

Neighboring cities have affected Denizli's Folk Music and folk dances. They are affected by Aydın and Muğla's slow choreography, but on the other hand, they are also affected by the Teke Area's fast music and choreography.

Folk Music

The rhythm of Denizli folk music is nine beat. The Kerem, Misket and Garipler styles are authentic to Denizli. 

Playing of the saz is very common in Denizli. The saz is a stringed instrument of the Bağlama order that is an authentic musical instrument of the Turks. Saz types which are very common in Denizli include the divan, baglama, tambur, and cura. There are also Kabak violins of different sizes. Wind instruments include the zurna, sipsi, and several others. Bells, spoons, tambourines, and several sizes of drums are also used to make music.

Traditional Folk Dances

Zeybek Dances are very famous in Denizli. Zeybek is the folk source of Denizli with its music and instruments. The Zeybek Dance is performed outside with drum and zurna or with drum and clarinet, but indoors a saz and earthenware kettledrum is used.

Dances performed by men in Denizli are called Efe Oyunu. The name of the agir Zeybek folk dances are Tavas Zeybeği, Çal Feraisi, Acıpayam Zeybeği, Harmandalı, Muğla Zeybeği, Çivril Zeybeği, Kerimoğlu Zeybeği, Dağlar Zeybeği, and Arpalı Zeybeği. 

Dances performed by women are called Kadın Oyunu. The names of the folk dances performed by women are Keten Gömlek, Düz Oyun, Çameli Teke Zortlaması. Musical instruments like the def (a tambourine with jingle), drum, legen (wash tub), and cumbus (a mandolin with a metal body) are played by women.